Headshot of Jaina Alexander

“Jaina is a talented, knowledgeable vocalist, but the blessing is that she truly understands how to teach. I’ve tried vocal lessons before - the coach was very good at pointing out my problems, but not good at explaining solutions. Jaina is an excellent instructor and guide. I never feel inferior or inadequate while working with her. She pays attention to my explanations/experiences. She listens very carefully to my voice before offering insight and direction. The result is that my voice is brighter, fuller, and more open. I can consistently sing 3 - 4 full steps higher. I am looking forward to continued improvement!” -Baker, private student

“Jaina's patience, creativity and positivity allows for a wonderful learning experience. I also really like how she's flexible with both traditional music, but incorporates more contemporary choices as well. We would recommend Jaina to anyone looking to continue their lessons. She's absolutely GREAT!” -Neveu, private student

“She [Jaina] was immediately able to understand my daughter's style of learning and capacity to focus. Jaina has now been teaching my daughter virtually and maintains the same level of quality personalized instruction. My daughter continues to look forward to lessons with Jaina and enjoys her growing ability. We highly recommend Jaina as an instructor.” -Tzur, private student

"[April] Thank you so much for being the BEST coach I have had. You taught me that in order to reach your goal you have to work hard and put your best foot forward.” -Gerson, private coaching student

"Professor [April] Sigman-Marx is caring, compassionate, and kind! She pushes her students to let go of the imaginary limits we place on ourselves. She creates a space in which her students can be brave and vulnerable with one another." -Intro to Acting Student, CSULB

"I love April! She is so absolutely AMAZING. Definitely my favorite prof by far. I genuinely believe that she cares about each and every one of her students. She taught us to not be afraid of failure. She creates an extremely open, non-judgmental, and fun environment for the class." -Intro to Acting Student, CSULB

“April is a strong teacher and I have witnessed her work over the past few years: as an actor, as an Assistant Director on a show I directed [in 2017], as a Director and as a teacher/mentor. In all of these, she is organized, focused, energetic and also creates a positive and creative space for students. She exudes a warm, upbeat energy; and she has an excellent rapport with students. She deeply listens to and responds to their interests, their needs, their choices and their responses. She’s an excellent teacher.” -Jeff, Theatre Arts Department Chair, CSULB

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