Rebecca Jasmine
Drawing from her own experience, Rebecca is passionate about creating opportunities for underrepresented talents and cultures as well as expanding the Malaysian musical theatre scene. Her latest work, QiXi (七夕) the Musical, is a retelling of the Asian legend "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl" infused with modern music elements. It premiered as a ten minute piece in the Musical Theatre category in the 2022 Short & Sweet Festival, KL.
She is also currently in discussions with a few emerging artists in the South East Asian region to create new works.
Actor + Singer/Songwriter + Director + Writer
Degrees & Certifications:
BA Commerce (Economics) from Deakin University, Australia
Associate (ATCL) Diploma from Trinity College London
Certificate in Acting and Certificate in Business in Performing Arts from Enfiniti Academy in collaboration with Malaysian University of Science and Technology (MUST)
A Grade 8 in Music for Stage and Screen as well as a Grade 5 in Vocal Performance from the International Music Examinations Board (IMEB)
Most memorable performance:
Something we wouldn’t know unless you told us:
She has performed in 4 different countries and won accolades during her tenure with the Broadway Academy Show Choir and BAVE Chamber Choir.